Our innovative door solutions.
EFAFLEX doors are characterized by outstanding, future-proof properties: High opening and closing speeds, optimum tightness, excellent thermal insulation, sophisticated sensor technology and extreme durability.
All these features significantly reduce energy consumption , which in turn saves you a lot of money. In this way, we also support your company on the path to greater sustainability.
The black/orange bar shows the energy losses of an industrial building due to door openings on a typical working day. The slider simulates how our doors drastically reduce these energy losses throughout the day. Our fast doors demonstrably save costs, electricity and emissions. (Graphic: Extended measurements by our partner Etanomics based on the TUM study)
Our contribution to greater sustainability
High opening and closing speed
High opening and closing speeds, as well as seal tightness, have the greatest physical impact on saving costs and CO₂ emissions. The high opening speeds of up to 4 m/s ensure the shortest possible air exchange, which saves on heating costs and CO₂ emissions, among other things. Physically, when the door is opened, the warm air is sucked from the inside to the outside and with it all the heat energy that has to be reheated/cooled at great expense/inecologically. The shortest possible hold-open time of the door also has a strong influence here. Furthermore, our doors are characterized by particularly high tightness and low leakage.

Thermal transmittance (U-value, insulation, etc.)
U-value: Heat flow through a component, depending on the temperature gradient between the warm and cold side in the unit W/(m²K). Our U-values indicate the calculated total of each door and door size including insulation thickness, tightness, exclusion of thermal bridges etc. when closed.
Air permeability (leakage)
EFAFLEX doors are designed according to the latest construction principles and are tested for high tightness and low air permeability in accordance with DIN EN 12426. EFAFLEX high-speed doors have high tightness classes in order to keep the air exchange between inside and outside air and thus the customer’s energy and CO₂ emissions as low as possible. Tightness is achieved through the technically clever use of sealing tapes, seals and flaps and the minimization of gaps and openings of all kinds.
Smart sensors
EFAFLEX equips its doors with a wide range of smart sensors and apron monitoring systems. Smart sensor technology reduces the energy consumption and CO₂ emissions of a high-speed door: Unnecessary incorrect openings caused by cross-traffic are eliminated and incorrect openings caused by unauthorized access are prevented. The shortest possible hold-open times are enabled and secured.
Long service life
EFAFLEX high-speed doors often complete several million cycles in tough daily use. While doors from other manufacturers often have to be replaced after three to five years, our doors have a service life of 10 years or more. This saves energy and reduces the use of resources, raw materials, production energy and installation trips (see also EPD and sustainability product passport). The particularly high spare parts availability of 10 years further extends the longevity of our doors.
Schnelllauftore Next Generation Zur „Next Generation“ gehören vier Tortypen in den drei Varianten Premium, Eco und Basic, die alle auf einem Konzept basieren. Jedes Tor ist nach dem Baukausten-Prinzip individuell konfigurier- und gestaltbar, sodass es insgesamt zwölf verschiedene Tore für die unterschiedlichsten Bedürfnisse und Anwendungen gibt. Auch Sonderwünsche lassen sich schnell und einfach umsetzen. Alle ansehen
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Climate and environmental protection
With solar cells, charging stations and energy-efficient buildings, we make our day-to-day work sustainable, save energy and protect resources and the environment in the process.
Learn moreOur responsibility
At EFAFLEX, the focus is on people. We promote the well-being of our employees, actively involve them in shaping the future and support regional and social projects.
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